Welcome to my World!

It's all about GOD and how we can futher his kingdom!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My thoughts for today.

As I'm going through my morning routine I stop and think to myself, you know how God says in the bible that our husbands aren't working for man they are working for God. Well that got me thinking about my JOB as a wife, mother, and homemaker. I love that God has blessed us where I am able to stay home (at the moment) but I have my days where I just complain about everything about cleaning about cooking about picking up after my husband, and then I thought, I'm really complain to God and what he has blessed me with. Now that really hit me hard all the things that God has done for us and got us through (and I know that y'all know what I'm talking about :) ). What right do I have to complain to God? I think that my view of being a stay at home wife and mother has changed forever. My JOB (as I see it) is to work for the glory of God, I'm to take of my husband because God has set me here to be his HELP mate, and for our children I'm to raise them to understand the bible to want to do good works for God and to be thankful in all things and one day give their lives to CHRIST. So today I have a fresh view of my purpose as a stay at home mom. I'm here to accomplish God's will not my own!!!


  1. I thought that you would be. We have had very many phone calls on this subject :)


About Me

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Well what can I say.... I give GOD all the glory!! He has walked me through my life and he has truly blessed my family and I. I am a happily married women of 8 years, we have two wonderful children and last but not least two dogs. It has been a LONG JOURNEY getting here. I'm here to tell you all about it and then some :).