Welcome to my World!

It's all about GOD and how we can futher his kingdom!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who knew?

Well this morning we woke up to a wonderful and magical surprise!!!! We looked outside and it was covered in a white blanket of pure delight, it had snowed all night. Who knew that here in Texas that it would have snowed 3 times this winter. We surly had no idea when we moved to Texas that we would see snow, but yet if you think our God is so great that even snow in Texas is possible. Thank you God for the wonderful surprise!!!!


  1. Sure wish we could get snow like that here, I know the boys would love it and it would make all the cold worth it.

    Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
    Laura Ann

  2. I know!! It does make all the cold worth going through if we get to see snow like this. How are you guys doing?? I read about your Dr we will be praying for you to get better and to maybe one day have a little one wrapped in pink :)

  3. I so wish we could have some snow. I guess we don't need it with all the rain we have had. I am glad to see R got to go out in it!!!

  4. She loved it! It is something she will remember! That makes me happy to know that she wil atleast have one memory of playing in the snow.

  5. That is an awesome gift from our Lord. We received the same gift overnight...so today we have 4-5 inches!!! Yea! Bebe hopefully will enjoy it. Miss you an love you cups!


About Me

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Well what can I say.... I give GOD all the glory!! He has walked me through my life and he has truly blessed my family and I. I am a happily married women of 8 years, we have two wonderful children and last but not least two dogs. It has been a LONG JOURNEY getting here. I'm here to tell you all about it and then some :).